The Olympics and my Writing

Today is what everyone is calling a “once in a lifetime event” day but for me it will be just a blessing as while everyone is busy focusing on the Olympics, I will be focusing on my writing. At least then I will be sure I wont be having any interruptions (unless I get sucked into the Olympic fever too).

I have been thinking and thinking about a title for my book but taking into consideration all the advice I received from you all yesterday. I have been able to come up with a few suggestions and am in the process of shortlisting the ones that I think fit the bill best!

This weekend I will be focusing on finishing the current chapter that is being written, I’m getting so many ideas that I just want to jot them down to make sure they dont get lost, hehe

Until my next post, feel free to leave any comments or ask me anything and I shall reply to you asap.

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Breaks? When?

Hi everyone.

First of all I would like to thank all of you who have left such encouraging comments on my posts so far, it really made a difference! 🙂

Now, what I would like to discuss today is writing breaks.

I have been thinking and thinking and it doesnt seem to ever be a convenient time to take a break from writing without risking damaging your train of thought.

I have taken so far 3 breaks from it which have not damaged anything at all but have noticed that after a while the ideas dont come to you as easy as they used to!

Any ideas how to fight back?

A Writer’s Worst Nightmare

So, I’ve been writing my first novel for quite a while now, been writing on and off. Everything is going smoothly and the words are flowing nicely, there’s only one problem!

I cant seem to figure out what I am going to call it, dont know whether it is too soon to be thinking of names now or whether I should just wait until it is finished so I can think of a name around the content!

Decisions decisions, what to do! Does any of you have any suggestions on how I should be naming my novel?

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Floating Island? What’s next?

So, in probably 2 or 3 years time anyone will be able to buy a “floating Island”. As funny as it may sound, it is actually true.

It seems that its already being made so 2-3 years time may be a little too much actually. Now who would want a boat this big anyway? Why would anyone need a house if they owned one of these?

Beats me! Anyway, I personally wouldnt mind having one, it would save me a lot on rent and travel! Haha

What are your thoughts on this?